How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number

  1. How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number Free
  2. How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number List
  3. How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number Lookup
  4. How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number Check

Are Firearms without Serial Numbers Illegal?

Contact your local police department and give them the serial number. The Police can check on the stolen gun list maintained by the BATFE. The stolen firearms database search is an exact match of the serial number only for privacy reasons. It is not searchable by keywords, so if someone searches the database for your serial number it is going to come up with your gun regardless of it having a Leupold scope, stainless barrel, etc.

If you’re a Law Abiding Gun Owner (LAGO) who primarily uses modern firearms, a firearm without a serial number would probably look strange to you. In fact, it should look strange to you, and in most cases someone selling you or giving to you a firearm with a tarnished serial number should nearly give you a heart attack. Although our younger generations have never lived in the America where serial numbers were optional, this was in fact the case long ago. At that point in time, the manufacturers held the power to choose whether or not to utilize serial numbers. Some did as per their own internal policies. Others didn’t. How did we get to practice we know today?

In 1934, Congress enacted the National Firearms Act (NFA). At the time, it was the most restrictive federal firearms legislation that had ever been enacted in the United States. It didn’t apply to every gun as it defined “firearms” somewhat narrowly.

According to the NFA Handbook (produced by BATFE, see, “Congress found these firearms to pose a significant crime problem because of their frequent use in crime, particularly the gangland crimes of that era such as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.”

The NFA imposed several restrictions in efforts to reduce the criminal use of these particular weapons. Among many other restrictions, the act required all firearms subject to the NFA to have serial numbers on them.

Has this ever happened to you. You buy a gun used from a mainstream,national dealer and sometime later you go to sell gun and someone looks at it and says 'that's my gun that was stolen 10 years ago.' He then produces his evidence and a cop comes and verifies that He did report this gun, with this serial number, stolen, say 10 years before. Mosquito Report. Closings & Delays. Vystar Traffic Center. The service is free and you only need to have the gun’s serial number. Lost and stolen guns are a big problem in.

Retrieved from on January 3, 2015.

In 1968, the Gun Control Act (GCA) imposed numerous additional requirements in the arena of gun manufacture. As per the GCA, all firearms manufactured or imported into the United States are required to bear a serial number. This law ―which was effective October 22, 1968― extends the serial requirement beyond the specific group of NFA regulated firearms.

The serial number requirement remains in effect today, which explains our modern conceptions. In a Firearms Verification Guidebook issued by BATFE, the following serial number requirements are listed:

  • Must be conspicuously engraved, cast or stamped (impressed) on the firearm frame or receiver.
  • The serial number cannot duplicate the serial number appearing on any other firearm the importer previously imported.
  • For firearms imported after January 30, 2002, the engraving, casting or stamping (impressing) of the serial number must be to a minimum depth of .003 inch and in a print size no smaller than 1/16 inch.

To view additional requirements, please consult the Guidebook at–firearms-verification.pdf.

If a gun doesn’t meet these requirements, it’s important to make a few determinations to be certain to maintain LAGO status. It is entirely possible to come across a pre-’68 gun with no serial number. However, it’s vital to be certain that the serial number wasn’t grinded off, removed, or obliterated.

Per 18 U.S.C. 922 (k), “It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to transport, ship, or receive, in interstate or foreign commerce, any firearm which has had the importer’s or manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered or to possess or receive any firearm which has had the importer’s or manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered and has, at any time, been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.”

There’s also a similar provision in the NFA making it a crime to “to receive or possess a firearm [as defined by the NFA] having the serial number or other identification required by this chapter obliterated, removed, changed, or altered.” 26 U.S.C. § 5861(h).

The message seems to be, if it isn’t there, it better not have ever been there. However, there appears to be a tricky period between the enactment of the NFA in 1934 and the GCA in 1968:

  • Suppose there is a non-NFA firearm which was manufactured PRE October 22, 1968. The firearm has no serial number. However, the firearm never had a serial number. The lack of a serial number does not render the firearm illegal.
  • Suppose there is a firearm which was manufactured POST October 22, 1968. If the firearm has no serial number, and never had a serial number, the lack of a serial number renders the firearm illegal. [Except a non-NFA home manufacture that you have no intent to sell, which we will explain later.]
  • Suppose there is a firearm which was manufactured POST October 22, 1968. The firearm had a serial number, but it has been removed. Possession of this firearm is illegal.
  • Suppose there is a firearm which was manufactured PRE October 22, 1968. The firearm did have a serial number, as the manufacturer had utilized serial numbers on its firearms voluntarily. However, the serial number was removed for aesthetic or other reasons AFTER October 22, 1968. Possession of the firearm is illegal.
  • Suppose there is a non-NFA firearm which was manufactured PRE October 22, 1968. The firearm did have a serial number, as the manufacturer had utilized serial numbers on its firearms voluntarily. This serial number was removed BEFORE October 22, 1968. Under the GCA, possession of the firearm is illegal. However, this is the most difficult scenario we will discuss, and here’s why:

The NFA of 1934 made it illegal to obliterate, remove or alter the serial number of a “firearm” as classified by the NFA. However, the NFA only applied to a specific class of weapons. Later on, the GCA made it illegal to obliterate, remove or alter the serial number of a much broader classification of firearm, not just those subject to the NFA.

With regards to firearms which are not subject to the NFA, it would appear that it was not necessarily illegal to obliterate, remove or alter the serial number before October 22, 1968. As previously mentioned, the manufacturers of non-NFA firearms held the power to choose whether or not to utilize serial numbers until 1968. Regardless of when it was done, the GCA made it illegal to merely possess a firearm if the serial number had been obliterated, removed or altered. What was legal to possess on October 21st of 1968 became illegal to possess the following day.

*While it is our understanding that certain grace periods were recognized, the precise duration remains unconfirmed by any reliable sources. For the purpose of promoting a clear and fluid discussion, we will suppose there was no grace period. Any issues encountered within the last 40 years fall well outside of any possible grace period.

This poses two potential legal arguments.

First, some contend that the GCA posed ex post facto issues. Found in the United States Constitution, “[t]he ex post facto prohibition forbids the Congress and the States to enact any law ‘which imposes a punishment for an act which was not punishable at the time it was committed; or imposes additional punishment to that then prescribed.’” Weaver v. Graham, 450 U.S. 24, 28 (1981) quoting Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wall. 277, 325–326, 18 L.Ed. 356 (1867).

However, it doesn’t appear that the GCA serial number provision necessarily constitutes an ex post facto prohibition. We must identify the offense to be punished. Under the GCA, the obliteration, alteration or removal of serial numbers on non-NFA firearms is illegal. If the law were to punish individuals for having done so before October 22, 1968 (at which point doing so was legal) the law would certainly qualify as ex post facto, and be invalid under the United States Constitution.

On the other hand, the GCA additionally prohibits the possession of a non-NFA firearm with serial numbers which have been destroyed. Because the law came into effect on October 22, 1968, the law would only technically prohibit possession from that point on. Because possession is an offense which takes place in the present tense, this provision would not be ex post facto. Even though possession of a firearm with obliterated serial numbers was completely legal on October 21, 1968, one’s possession of that same firearm two days later would be illegal. Because the law punishes the conduct of possession, which has occurred after the law has been enacted, the law is not ex post facto and is valid.

As a result, it seems that if an individual destroyed the serial numbers on a non-NFA firearm before the GCA was enacted, that particular conduct cannot be punished. More importantly, however, if that individual were to keep that firearm after enactment of the GCA, the conduct of possession could be punished, as the punishable conduct has occurred after enactment of the law.

The second potential argument comes in the form of the Takings Clause. For an extremely in-depth discussion, see The Public Use Test: Would a Ban on the Possession of Firearms Require Just Compensation?

The Fifth Amendment prevents the government from taking private property for public use without providing the owner with just compensation. Takings are not limited solely to physical confiscation, but can stem from regulations which leave owners with no alternative use for their property, or a severe diminution in value. In order for the taking to require compensation, it must be for public use. Public use has additionally been somewhat narrowly construed. In fact, the Court has made a distinction between active use and passive benefit. Ultimately, in order for a compensable taking to have taken place under the Fifth Amendment, these factors must be present.

In the case of the GCA, there may very well have been legal owners of non-NFA firearms with obliterated serial numbers before 1968. Due to the enactment of the GCA, these firearms would become illegal, and have no alternative use whatsoever. There would be no opportunity to sell or transfer the firearms, as the federal law completely prohibited this. They could not keep them for the personal use they intended, as continued possession had been criminalized under the act. Unfortunately, although it is clear that a taking took place, this would not likely constitute a compensable taking. Although the GCA restrictions were enacted for the benefit of the public —so Congress claimed— the restrictions did not intend to initiate active public use. Rather, they were enacted under Congress’ enumerated powers over interstate commerce. The action under the commerce clause has been confirmed by the Court as valid. Consequently, it is unlikely that the GCA regulations could constitute a compensable taking under the Fifth Amendment.

As for those pre-GCA guns which were manufactured without serial numbers, some are still on the market. A dealer buying or selling a non-NFA firearm made before 1968 and without a serial number need only record “Made prior to 1968, no serial number” or “NSN” in the serial number space on his transaction record. Unless there is a state or local requirement, he need not apply a number or obtain a number from the police or BATFE.

Pre-1968 Remington, NSN, retrieved from on January 3, 2015.

There’s another possible scenario in which there is no serial number, and that is in the case of a home build. As of late, there has been a 80% or 60% receiver complete craze. In these particular cases, the gun cannot be sold or transferred and must only be for the manufacturer’s own personal use. If it is a home build manufactured by yourself, using your own equipment, for your own personal use, no serial number is required.

Although not required, BATFE has stated: “ . . . we suggest that the manufacturer at least identify the firearm with a serial number as a safeguard in the event that the firearm is lost or stolen. Also, the firearm should be identified as required in 27CFR478.92 if it is sold or otherwise lawfully transferred in the future.” Again, this is simply a suggestion and not a legal requirement.

80% Lower Receiver – Type III Hard Anodized Billet AR-15 for sale by our friends at

This applies strictly to non-NFA weapons, so if you want to home build it into an NFA via a Form 1 submission and approval, then NFA requirements control. In that case, a Form 1 must be filled out and approved before making it to a NFA controlled firearm and when it is completed, there must be proper markings per the NFA.

Because of the long-standing serial number requirements, a LAGO should definitely expect to see them on firearms. While the lack of a serial number might be shocking at first, and is certainly a legitimate cause for concern, it doesn’t always render the gun illegal. If you encounter a firearm without a serial number, be sure to consult with professionals to ensure that the firearm is legal to possess.

For more beneficial reading on the topic, check out:

BATFE Firearms Tracing Guide:

Assuming that it didn't just occur, you weren't robbed (violenceor physical threat used), and the suspect is not still there, thencall the non-emergency number for the local agency where the theftoccurred. Some agencies will do the report over the phone. Somewill want to send an officer out to speak to you in person.

You can report the theft without all of the information, but thechances of recovery are much lower. If you have the make, model,serial number, or a bill of sale, it will help the officers alot.

Can you report a gun stolen from a car?

Yes, and you should report to protect yourself if that gun is used in the commission of a crime. Read More

Where can I go to find registry about a gun stolen from me after a report was filed on the gun when I shot myself with the gun accidentally?

Do you need to register a gun that a friend gave you in Virginia?

Virginia does not require registration, so the answer the question, assuming you are of legal age to own the gun and the gun isn't stolen, is no, you do not have to register it, because in Virginia, registration doesn't exist. Read More

Find out if your gun is stolen?

Contact your local law enforcement. They can check to see if the serial number has been entered as a stolen item. IF there is a report, the officer will need to retain the gun to return it to the owner. They WILL need to have the gun in hand to do this, not over the phone. Read More

How do you get the records for a shotgun you purchased so you can report it stolen to law ENforcement?

Contact the dealer the gun was purchased from. Read More

What do police do when you report a gun stolen?

If police have serial number they can enter it into the national crime index computer.N.C.I.C. Read More

What should you do if your gun was stolen?

File a report with the police. Be sure to provide make, model and serial number and any other identifying information on it. This is important for several reasons. First, there is a chance the thief will get caught. Your report will identify your gun as stolen property, and will help to put the thief where he belongs - in prison. Second, if a gun happens to be used in a crime and abandoned at the… Read More

Can you pawn a gun not registered to you in Alabama?

You can pawn a firearm which you own.. if you pawn a firearm which you do not own, the legitimate owner may report it stolen, and you will be prosecuted. Read More

Can you get arrested for refusal to file a police report for something stolen?

No. But if you get your money stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your money back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your jewelry or furniture stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your jewelry or furniture back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police… Read More

If your rims got stolen and you wanted to report them stolen how would they be found?

Not possible to report them stolen unless they go jacked off in a car lot Read More

Who do you report stolen birth certificate to?

If you loan your car and it is not returned is it stolen?

it is if you report it to the police as stolen Read More

How do you see if my gun was stolen?

Can they report your car as stolen if they haven't succeeded in repossessing it?

rport it stolen?? Who will take the report?? Barney Fife??? NO, cause its NOT stolen. The 'stolen' line is a sure sign of a LAZY repoman. Or an uneducated repoman who believes everything they hear. How can you 'steal' your own car? The lender CANNOT report the vehicle stolen. You, as the registered owner, are the only one who can make that report to the police. Read More

How do I report my van stolen?

What if you report the car stolen and its not?

You are committing a crime if you knew the car not to be stolen. Read More

How do you report stolen iPhone?

mayday mayday, my iPhone's been stolen? ... Read More

Can you use a gun serial number to find your lost or stolen gun takin by a family member?

It really depenends. If you purchased the rile knew the guns serial number should be registered to you wether it be with SLED or even on your receipt. If your firearm was stolen then you should have filed a police report so whenever it turns up in a drug raid or something or even if your familiy memeber gets pulled over with it on them it will be returned to you. However if you do… Read More

Can a reposessor report a car stolen if he does not have it in his possession?

If it is really stolen by someone and not simply in possession of the lendee. The owner of the vehicle is the only one who can report a vehicle stolen, not the lender. But if the car is taken to the tow companys and yard and is now 'missing' then the tow company can report the missing car since they had it in their possession. The first place the police will come to though is… Read More

What do you do if your wallet is lost or stolen?

Go to the local police station and report it as stolen. Read More

How do you report a hand gun stolen if you don't know the serial numbers?

Contact police, provide them with the information you DO have. See if you can contact the person you bought the gun from, and if they have a record. Next time, record serial numbers, keep them in a safe place, along with photos. Read More

What do you do with a missing or stolen firearm?

What do police do if your gun is stolen?

They make a police report so that if it is used in a crime after that day and time then they can see that it wasn't you, as far as getting re-imbursed, do you have renter's insurance? It may be covered. Read More

You want to know if a gun is stolen by the serial number?

Contact your local police department and give them the serial number. The Police can check on the stolen gun list maintained by the BATFE. If the gun is stolen, the Police will conficate the piece and begin investigation of how it was acquired. Read More

If you inherit a hand gun what do you have to do in Virginia to own it legally?

Nothing. There is no gun registration in Virginia. Read More

How long do I have to report a stolen vehicle in GA?

How to report a stolen gun without serial number search

You should report it as soon as you know your car was stolen. There is no statute of limitation to report a theft. However, a delay would cast doubt on the veracity of your story. Read More

How long before you can report a motorcyle stolen?

How to report a firearm stolen?

contact your local police department and they will take a report. Read More

What happens to you if your guns are stolen?

That's an answer that will most likely vary depending on your state and locality. First and formost, if your gun is stolen you are the victim of a crime, and therefore nothing should 'happen to you'. However it is vitally important that you report a theft to the police, and have the serial numbers to include in the report. The likelyhood is that the gun will never be seen or heard from again, but in… Read More

What can they do if you pawn a stolen gun?

Expect the police to expect YOU to explain how you came to possess a gun that had been stolen- just like any other property. Read More

What to do if your handgun is stolen?

Will a vehicle history report show if a car has been stolen?

What happen if your Nintendo gets stolen?

file a stolen goods report and buy a new one Read More

Can the owner report the car as stolen when the co signer has it?

You can report it stolen but they wont do anything once they find out a co owner has the car. They cant steal a car they own. Read More

How do you check if your gun is stolen?

Is possession of stolen gun a felony?

Yes. Possession of stolen property OF ANY TYPE, is illegal. Read More

What if your car is about to be repossessed but it gets stolen who is then responsible?

YOU are responsible for the debt that is secured by the 'stolen' car. Be sure to make a police report on the 'stolen' car. Read More

Can the lien holder report the car stolen for being behind in payments in California?

Think about it, the car was NOT in their possession, so how can they report it stolen? They cant. Its a CIVIL matter NOT criminal. Read More

Is the card insured if stolen?

Yes. If you report a card stolen, then you are not liable for any charges not made by you personally. Read More

How do you report stolen Nintendo ds lites?

Can the other name on registry report car stolen?

If a person is 4 months late on a car payment can it be reported stolen?

NOT unless it was stolen. Stolen cars are reported stolen. Cars securing a loan in DEFAULT are reported as DELINQUENT to the credit bureau. If you choose to report the car stolen, go ahead. I would not reccommend it though. Filing a false police report is illegal in most jurisdictions. Read More

How do I look up the serial number of a gun that was stolen from me if I never wrote it down?

Unless you purchased it from a private party the model and serial will be recorded on the NICS form you were required to fill out at the gun store you bought it at. Report it to the police now (right now) or you could be liable if a crime is commited with it. Read More

Can a parent report a car stolen if their seventeen year old runs away but the car is in her grandfathers name and he refuses to file it as stolen?

The police will not take a stolen vehicle report if the automobile's owner handed the keys to the individual. It is a civil matter in this instance. Read More

How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number Free

How do you report a vehicle stolen?

You call you local non-emergency number. Police if you live in the city limits, County Sherrif if you live in a rural area. The Dispatcher will direct your call, Just say ' I want to report a stolen vehicle. Repos are NOT stolen. Read More

How to check if gun serial number is stolen?

Contact your local police. If it was reported stolen, it should be in the system. Read More

Is this gun stolen mpm7882?

You need to have the police investigate. there is no website or location that lists all stolen weapons. Read More

Do you need a gun license to buy a gun in Virginia?

How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number List

How do you find out who a gun is registered to in Texas?

How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number Lookup

Texas does not have gun registration. If you suspect the gun has been stolen, call your local law enforcement agency. They have access to databases of stolen guns and can check this for you and find the rightful owner. Read More

How To Report A Stolen Gun Without Serial Number Check

How did you find out if a gun is stolen or not?